Commuters of Burbank–May 2021 Edition

Congratulations to the One Mile or Better Challenge winner…
Ross Blocher!

Commuters of Burbank  is a series that  intends to share the stories of Burbank commuters who bike, walk, bus, scoot, carpool, or vanpool to get around.

Continue reading to learn more about Ross, our Commuter of the Month!

  1. Where do you work in Burbank?
    I work at Walt Disney Animation Studios, just under 2 miles from home.
  2. How do you get to work on a typical day?
    I’ll often ride my bike, and sometimes I walk while reading a book (and yes, I pause my reading while crossing intersections). My nice road bike was stolen a year ago, so I’m super excited to use the lovely refurbished bike that I recently won at a BTMO event!
  3. What is the best part of your commute?
    I can get to work mostly on side streets, which means a lot of quiet, beautiful tree-lined pathways. I just have to pay extra attention on Verdugo and Alameda!
  4. What/who compelled you to begin commuting this way?
    I’m co-lead of the Green Team at work, so I’m always looking for ways to cut down on my environmental impact. Plus, Disney offers incentives for sustainable commuting. And if all that weren’t enough, biking and walking makes for a great workout! I got an Apple Watch during quarantine and have been keeping up a [checks watch] 108-day streak. Once I can start commuting to work again, that will make it all the easier to close my rings!
  5. Do you have any interesting commute stories you’d like to share?
    When I’m reading a book and walking, sometimes people feel compelled to shout things like, “That’s more dangerous than texting while driving!” Which is absurd, so I’ll retort, “No it’s not!” Haven’t fallen yet. I did once, however, jog to work after accidentally stuffing a pair of my wife’s jeans in my gym bag. They got me through the morning’s meetings, and everyone thought that was hilarious. I went home at lunch to change.
  6. Are there any commuting tips that you’d like to share with people working near you?
    Definitely check to see if your work offers incentives for ride sharing, electric vehicles, biking or walking. Try different routes and compare them for traffic flow, overall time, scenery and other factors that matter to you – you might be surprised to find a shorter or prettier route, or just mix it up from time to time!

Thank you Ross for tuning into our Bike, Walk, Breathe: A Wellness Event and taking on the One Mile or Better Challenge!

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