Commuters of Burbank – Telework Edition – January 2021 Edition

Commuters of Burbank – Telework Edition

Debra Freedman

Happy New Year from Burbank TMO! We wish everyone a safe and healthy start to the new year.

Are you working from home? As many commuters re-evaluate their 2021 commute plans, the traditional office concept will likely never be the same. The International Telework Association and Council reports that, on average, teleworking yields:

  • 22% increase in employee productivity
  • 20% decrease in employee turnover
  • 60% decrease in employee absenteeism

Check out these resources from LA Metro for useful information on teleworking for employees and employers.

Each month we feature a member of the Burbank Commuting Community to share stories and advice on what it’s like to be a Commuter of Burbank!

This month we’re shining the spotlight on Debra Freedman, an avid bike commuter and current teleworker.

  1. Where do you work in Burbank?

I work at Disney, which is close to my home.

  1. How do you get to work on a typical day?

Typically, I would ride my bike to work 2-3 days/week.  Since March, I have been working from home, and like to get out and bike a few mornings a week, before I starting work.

  1. What is the best part of your commute?

The best part of commuting on my bike is being outside, feeling the air rush by me. Sometimes I see friends out walking and stop to chat.

  1. What/who compelled you to begin commuting this way?

At a Wellness Fair on campus, I stopped by the Commuter Assistance booth.  Afterward I thought, maybe I could ride a bike to work, however didn’t have one.  Commuter Assistance is in my building, and I ran into the team again and mentioned I was thinking of biking to work, but didn’t have a bike.  The leader of the group asked me to contact them, as they may have a bike from a commuter program.  One thing led to another, and I was able to join a program allowing me to earn a bike if I biked to work a minimum of 10 days a month.  They had a bike for me a few months later.

  1. Do you have any interesting commute stories you’d like to share?

I meet other cyclists on my route.  Depending on what time I leave, I meet different people.  Sometimes you don’t know who bikes to work from your company, and it’s a nice way to meet new people working at other companies too.

  1. Are there any commuting tips that you’d like to share with people working near you?

Avoid riding by middle and high schools during the 20 minute window before school starts.  My goal is to ride by 5 minutes after classes start to avoid traffic.

Connect with Debra on Facebook at Debra Mendel Freedman,

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