As a BTMO Member Company, your worksite has access to the following services:
- Coordination with Metro’s Guaranteed Ride Home, Employer Transit Pass, Vanpool and Online Ride-matching programs
- An additional start-up subsidy for vanpools and vanpool riders
- Participation in regional events such as Bike & Walk to Work Day and Rideshare Week
- Custom on-site events:
- Bike commuting skills/safety course taught by certified instructor
- Multi-modal Transportation Resource Fair
- ‘Try Transit’ Outing
- Other, to fit the specific needs of your employees
- Assistance with the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Business application
- Fully-stocked display of transit, bike and carpool resources for worksite
- Bi-weekly electronic updates on relevant construction, transit route and fare changes, and local news for you and your employees
- Personal customer service for your employees’ commute questions
- Fulfilling your “TMO Membership” requirement with the City of Burbank
- Assisting with your annual survey as required by the City of Burbank and SCAQMD
- Acting as a liaison between your worksite and SCAQMD
- Reviewing your annual plan or ECRP prior to submittal to SCAQMD
- Training and ongoing support to assigned on-site transportation coordinator