Why does the BTMO conduct a survey?
The City’s municipal code specifies that employers in the Media District and Downtown Burbank Specific Plan Areas with 25 or more employees are required to reduce their evening peak period automobile travel by 38%, reaching an Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) of 1.61. Each year, employers are required to survey their employees to determine their AVR and report their efforts to reduce employee trips.
What is AVR?
Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) is a metric used to measure the number of people coming to or leaving a site versus the number of cars. 1 person arriving or leaving in 1 vehicle would create an AVR of 1, while 2 people arriving in 1 vehicle (or 1 arriving in a vehicle and 1 arriving by bicycle) would create an AVR of 2. The higher the number, the higher number of sustainable trips employees are taking to get to their work!
The City has assigned an AVR target of 1.61 to employers in the Media and Downtown districts. Though there are currently no penalties for not hitting the 1.61 target, employers should do their best to get there by encouraging and promoting alternative transportation options like taking transit, walking, biking, or carpooling.
If your worksite has trouble meeting the target, get in touch with us! We are here to help you develop strategies and connect you to resources that can help improve your worksite’s AVR.
If you want to learn more about why the City decided to measure AVR and how they came up with the 1.61 target, check out this presentation from our 2022 All Member’s Meeting.
Where are the steps and forms for completing the survey?
- Decide whether you would like to use the paper forms (English form (pdf, word) and Spanish form (pdf, word)) or reach out to Tiffany to set up an online survey link. (See below.)
- Distribute paper surveys or the online link to your employees anytime on or after the Friday of the survey week. Here’s a sample cover page/email and flyer that you can use. The survey should go to each employee who arrived or departed between the peak hour (4-6pm) at least once during the week. This includes telecommuters!
- Set a deadline for your employees to return the surveys and designate who the surveys should be returned to in order to help ensure a high response rate.
- Tabulate your results and complete the Report (Form B) using the Worksheet and Report tables. View the Instructions tab for more details.
- Email the Report of your survey data/results to Ken Premo at director@btmo.org or mail it to the BTMO at 200 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA 91502.
Can I conduct the survey online?
Yes! Tiffany Fisher with Metro Rideshare can set up an online version of the survey for you at no cost. She can be reached at (213) 922-4233 or FischerT@metro.net.
Tiffany will ask you to fill out a brief form, and then she’ll set up your link. After the surveying is complete, she will provide you with the reports needed to comply with Burbank requirements for the 4-6pm arrival/departure stats for your workers’ commutes.
Is there a sample exercise showing how the survey works?
Check out this example surveying exercise to get a glimpse of how the survey process and calculation works.