Transit Equity Day – Honoring a Civil Rights Icon and Equitable Transportation Systems

Every February 4th, communities across the United States celebrate Transit Equity Day—a day that not only marks the birthday of the civil rights icon Rosa Parks, but also honors her courage to stand against segregation and to fight for civil rights and equitable transportation systems. Rosa Parks’ legacy inspires efforts to ensure that every person has access to safe, reliable, and fair transportation. By refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus, Parks challenged an unjust system and catalyzed a year-long bus boycott and a nationwide civil rights movement. Her birthday is more than just a personal milestone; it’s a reminder of the transformative power of standing up for one’s rights. In celebrating Transit Equity Day, communities all over the country reaffirm their commitment to breaking down barriers in transportation.

The day is a tribute to the idea that mobility is a fundamental right. Just as Parks’ brave actions transformed the public transit system of her time, today’s Transit Equity Day seeks to transform how we think about and implement transportation infrastructure. It’s a call to ensure that every ride, every route, and every transit decision is made with inclusivity in mind. Equitable transportation systems are the lifeblood of vibrant, sustainable communities. They not only provide the means for people to access jobs, education, healthcare, and other essential services but also play a critical role in reducing social and economic disparities. When transit systems are designed with equity in mind, they empower communities, reduce congestion, lower environmental impacts, and foster economic growth.

Each year, as communities honor Rosa Parks and the principles of justice and equality she championed, they also commit to continuing the fight for accessible transportation. February 4th is not only a celebration of civil rights but also a call to action for communities across the nation—including here in Burbank. For the BTMO, this day is a reminder of the ongoing commitment to helping connect you to a transit system that serves all residents with fairness and efficiency.


On Tuesday, February 4, Los Angeles Metro and Metrolink will be offering free rides for Transit Equity Day. Metro will provide free rides on its bus, rail, bikeshare and Metro Micro rideshare services. Riders can hop on their train or bus without tapping their Metro card and can redeem their Metro Bike Share 30-minute free ride by selecting ‘1-Ride’ at any Metro Bike Share kiosk, online or in the Metro Bike Share app, and use code be 020425. Additionally, riders can board at any of Metrolink’s 67 stations – no ticket needed – and travel systemwide.

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